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R E C O R D I N G:
- Steinberg Cubase 11
- Lynx Aurora 16 Soundcard (providing 16 simutaneaous inputs)
- DDA Forum 24 channel desk

M O N I T O R I N G:
- Focal Twin6 Be
- Yamaha HS30
- Avantone Active Mixcubes

P R E A M P S:
- 1 x API 512C - 1 x Shiny Box
- 1 x Shadow Hills - 3 x DAV
- 2 x Chandler Germanium
- 8 x DDA

E F F E C T S:
- Summit Audio DCL 200 valve compressor (stereo
- 1 x Universal Audio 1176
- 1 x API 525
- 1 x Drawmer1960
- 1x Bricasti M7 (reverb)
- 1 Roland SRE 555 (Tape Echo)
- UAD-2 Octo with a good selection of compressors, eqs and reverbs.
- A selection of anologue and digital effects pedals (Boss/Electro Harmonix/Strymon etc)
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